Get in the Flow

Get in the Flow

I did not accomplish all of my 2019 goals and I am okay with that. Let me explain. Many significant goals set in 2019 were accomplished and  I am grateful and celebrating this. However, what mattered most to me are two pivotal realizations. One realization is that my...

Reading Fiction Makes You a Better Leader

Reading Fiction Makes You a Better Leader

Have you ever been completely captivated in the pages of a story and felt guilty for wasting time and being so “unproductive”?  When reading a fiction book in public, have you wanted a “fake” cover so it would not look like you were a lightweight? If leaders are...

Mindsets for Achieving Your Best in 2019

Mindsets for Achieving Your Best in 2019

Welcome, 2019! The first day of a new year is filled with such hope. Possibilities and potential seem limitless. There is hope of achieving more and living more fully. However, hope alone is not a strategy for success. A more in-depth approach will be needed to be...

The Long Game

The Long Game

The landscape of leadership is littered with the mentally burned out, relationally poor, and physically worn down. Being overworked, overcommitted, and running on empty is the norm. “After this next project, things will get better…” is the common refrain offered to...

Become “Others Oriented” for Lasting Influence

Become “Others Oriented” for Lasting Influence

Signpost with Influence wording One of the surest ways to predict future success in someone’s life is in observing the ways they treat people.  Just as you observe others, you also need to develop self-awareness in this vital area and ask yourself how well you...

What Makes a Great Boss?

What Makes a Great Boss?

“People leave bosses, not companies.” Most of us have heard this quote and a Gallup study affirmed that over 50% of employees left their job due to their direct boss. Some of you may have experienced this reality as an employee. And some may have been the...

What’s Your ROA?

What’s Your ROA?

In March I attended an all-day Saturday workshop. Saturdays are rarely work focused for me but I  was curiously optimistic that the speakers would offer something valuable on the topic of marketing.  I got more than I expected. Neen James, a vibrant speaker...

People: Potential for Higher Performance

People: Potential for Higher Performance

Everyone wants to be appreciated and valued for the contributions they make. A surprising number of leaders and managers miss opportunities to notice, comment and reward the behaviors that contribute to success.  With focused and specific effort, a leader can...

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