Mindsets to Achieve Your Best in 2018

Mindsets to Achieve Your Best in 2018

Welcome, 2018! The first day of a new year is filled with such hope. Possibilities and potential seem limitless. There is hope of achieving more and living more fully. However, hope alone is not a strategy for success. A more in-depth approach will be needed to be...

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

25636960 - coaching word cloud In just a few days the ultimate annual gift exchange will take place around the world. It is a wonderful thing to give and receive gifts out of love and connection with others. Here is a question for you: what gift will you give yourself...

The Unexpected Consequences of Generosity

The Unexpected Consequences of Generosity

It’s that time of year when giving is expected and the opportunities and requests for your money seem endless. The constant pressure of commercialism and well-meaning organizations can steal the joy of giving and leave the best of us with a bit of a Grinch heart. What...

The Speed of Gratitude

The Speed of Gratitude

This is # 103 of my weekly blog/newsletter to finish its second year. And I have saved the best to finish this second year. My guest writer is my wife, Phyllis. As you read her words of encouragement and wisdom you will experience a refreshing drink of life as we...

Conversation Matters

The sum of our conversations leads directly to our quality of life. Before you stop reading because of this bold statement consider doing a postmortem on conversations in any area of your life. You will see that nothing happens without conversations and it is the...

Let Purpose Drive the Details

Details, details, more details. Seems life has added, even multiplied, details for us to keep up with. Our high cost tech equipment serves us to keep in touch with all of the details. We now have 3 or more devices in our hands, on our wrists, on our desks or laps to...

Top Ten List for Young Leaders

Talk is cheap, but lasting results are of great value. We are constantly bombarded with so much noise of people’s opinions and ideas. Then we wrestle with FOMO; what if those ideas are “good”, will we lose an opportunity we can’t recover? Learning from others is...

Strategies for an Engaged Work Culture

Repeatedly I find myself reading the startling statistic that only 33% of employees are engaged at work. At a recent Talent Development meeting I heard the frustration of this reality expressed in this comment: “I find it difficult and sometimes impossible to be fully...

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