Get off the Road to Burnout

As I sat in my last staff meeting on my last day of work, I was experiencing a mixture of emotions. Joy to move into a new adventure. Sadness to no longer be engaged with the people and organization I had been with for 26 years. As the meeting wore on, I experienced...

Ride the Waves of Transitions

Transitions happen! Even though the majority of us don’t like it, change is inevitable. In fact, transitions are part of the fabric of life and occur constantly. This may feed the “I like things the way they are” or “Stop the world and let me off” mantras many of us...

The Power of Being Present at Work

My last newsletter, The Power of Being Present Experiment, definitely struck a chord with many readers. I received more feedback identifying with this issue than any other so far this year.  This does not surprise me. The incredible amount of noise in our lives...

The Power of Being Fully Present

Enjoy this repost from 2016 as I take a break from writing this week. During the month of August, I experimented with a work/life scenario that is a common struggle for almost everyone.  The experiment was to challenge myself to step out of preoccupation with work in...

7 Keys to Building Successful Relationships

If you live long enough you will realize that life is all about relationships. The strength of anything; your family, business, favorite charity, even your kid’s soccer league is directly connected to the relationships that support or harm it. Leaders who understand...

Life Hacks for the Overwhelmed

“There is too little time for all that I have to get done. I’ve got to get some control in my life.” This is the most frequent opening conversation with people seeking leadership coaching. Whether it is an executive, a business owner, someone in transition, or a...

Mind the Gaps

When using the subway system in London, you’ll hear a very British expression when the train pulls up: “Mind the gap.” I find this expression a pleasant way of warning passengers to be careful of the gap between the deck and the train. As a coach, part of my role is...

The Most Important Skill You Need

A long held career axiom states, “As long as you have the right job skills, you will always be able to get a job.” In today's crowded and competitive job market this is still true, but under going a significant shift. With this in mind, what are the job skills that...

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